Junxiang (JX) Huang
Film Producer
What is your fondest SGIFF memory or experience?
It would be the first time I attended SGIFF as a filmmaker. As a joke, I had submitted my short film under a pseudonym, Edmund Teo. It probably wasn’t as funny for the organisers, but I had an actor pretend to be Edmund Teo for the Q&A and his answers were hilarious.
What does the festival mean to you?
SGIFF is a big party. I think it is a community where people can freely engage in conversation with open arms. It is a festival of discovery and communication. I have made many friends from around Southeast Asia at the festival.
Why do you think it is important to support SGIFF?
Two reasons. First, SGIFF is fertile ground to champion the artistic voices of the young. The festival provides the both platform and encouragement for the filmmakers. The second is that SGIFF presents the opportunity for discovery. Its well curated programme allows for the discovery of the self, along with the perspectives of others around us. I believe that this allows us to cultivate greater empathy for the world around us.
Why do you think storytelling is crucial, especially now?
Storytelling builds bridges between people. In a world that has grown more fractious, stories connect people through shared experiences and values.
How has film affected your life?
I love filmmaking and film-watching, but what is equally as important to me is film sharing. Film sharing is a conversation that goes beyond words. After all, if a picture says a thousand words, what more a moving picture?