One of Those Days When Hemme Dies
Southeast Asian Premiere
Murat Fıratoğlu Türkiye 2024 82 min PG13 (Some Coarse Language)
A worker’s simmering desire for revenge against his harsh supervisor is waylaid as encounters steer him towards a path of introspection.
Eyüp toils under the relentless sun on a tomato farm in southeastern Turkey. His wants are simple: fair wages and his dignity. Yet, like many others, Eyüp is burdened by unpaid wages and the unyielding demands of his supervisor, Hemme. After a heated confrontation, Eyüp, consumed by anger and a thirst for revenge, sets out to teach Hemme a lesson. However, as he wanders through the day, becoming an unwilling flâneur, chance encounters and conversations divert him from his goal, gradually eroding his resolve.
As daylight diminishes, so does Eyüp’s anger. In the stillness of dusk, the tensions of social justice and pride ease into a fragile pause, his inaction quietly settling alongside the approaching night, without resolution.
5 Dec, Thu 9:00PM / 82 min
Golden Village Bugis+, Hall 5
All screenings are on a free seating, first-come, first-served basis. We kindly ask all ticket holders to arrive on time. Latecomers may not be guaranteed entry.
For last-minute attendees, good news. Our Rush Queue is back this year!
One of Those Days When Hemme Dies
Hemme’nin Öldüğü Günlerden Biri
Murat Fıratoğlu
82 min
PG13 (Some Coarse Language)
Southeast Asian Premiere

Murat Fıratoğlu
Murat Fıratoğlu is a Turkish director and lawyer. His short films include Straw Dust (2007), The Edge of All Possibilities (2008), Albatros Dreams (2008) and The Photo of Kholoud Ahmed (2016). One of Those Days When Hemme Dies, his feature debut, premiered in the Orizzonti section at Venice where it won the Special Jury Prize.
Murat Fıratoğlu
Sefer Fıratoğlu,
Salih Taşçı,
Güneş Sayın